

Chicago Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Chicago Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Work is hard, as most people experience issues like pregnancy discrimination on the job. A workplace injury is often a devastating event. Most families live from paycheck to paycheck, and they have no way to pay mounting medical bills. The long and complex workers’ compensation claims process is almost as devastating. Many job injury victims hope to return to work quickly. It quickly becomes apparent that workers’ compensation insurance companies do not want the same thing. Instead, they only want to increase their profits, which means denying as many claims as possible.

Mitchell Kline, an assertive Chicago workers’ compensation attorney, flips the script. Our compassionate team understands the financial and emotional effects of a job injury. So, we quickly evaluate your case and determine your legal options. Unlike the insurance company, our goal is to get job injury victims back to work as soon as possible. This mission means working hard to ensure maximum benefits for your serious injuries. As outlined below, these benefits usually include lost wage replacement and reasonable medical bill payment.

Types of Claims

Different injuries affect different people differently. In some cases, a fall from a height is a fatal injury. In other cases, a fall from a similar height might barely cause the victim to miss work. Therefore, three basic kinds of workers’ compensation claims are available, as follows:

  • Medical Care Only: Some job injury victims don’t need the lost wage replacement benefit because they do not miss work. Instead, they schedule doctor visits around their work schedules. In these situations, workers’ compensation pays not only doctor bills but also transportation, medical devices, prescription drugs, and other ancillary medical expenses.
  • Temporary Disability: This category is the most common workers’ compensation claim category. These victims usually cannot work as they recover, must reduce their hours, or must accept a light-duty assignment. Workers’ compensation pays two-thirds of the difference between their old and new incomes or two-thirds of their average weekly wage if they cannot work at all. The same medical payment benefit applies.
  • Permanent Disability: These workers are also eligible for both benefits. “Disabled” does not mean “bedridden.” Instead, “disabled” basically means “unable to work.” Therefore, to determine the amount of lost wages, a Chicago workers’ compensation lawyer must take medical and nonmedical factors, such as the victim’s age and educational background, into consideration

Insurance companies cannot contest fault in these cases. These benefits are available even if the victim was entirely at fault for the trauma injury or occupational disease. But insurance companies can and do contest the amount of damages.

Nonsubscriber Claims

Workers’ compensation applies to most workplace injuries but not all of them. Additionally, some companies don’t buy or keep insurance, even though Illinois law requires them to maintain it at all times.

Some companies recklessly send workers to dangerous areas, like unreinforced construction pits. Workers’ compensation usually does not cover these injuries. So, these victims may obtain compensation in civil court. The law usually prohibits these companies from using some basic negligence defenses. Therefore, it is easier to prove negligence and obtain compensation.

The same restriction usually applies if the company flaunted the law and did not buy insurance or if the company made false statements on official documents and the insurance company refuses to pay the claim. Companies are almost helpless in court in these situations.

Connect With a Tough-Minded Cook County Attorney

Job injury victims have legal options in Illinois. For a free consultation with an experienced Chicago workers’ compensation attorney, contact the Law Office of Mitchell A. Kline. We routinely handle matters throughout Chicagoland.