

Evanston Pregnancy Discrimination Lawyer

Evanston Pregnancy Discrimination Lawyer

For centuries, no one wanted to live in the swampy forests and wetlands that once dominated what is now Evanston. Around 1830, French adventurers tried to make a permanent settlement here, but it fell into Lake Michigan. A more successful settlement was organized in 1850, followed closely by the founding of Northwestern University in 1851. Today, the birthplace of Tinker Toys and the reputed birthplace of the ice cream sundae has over 75,000 inhabitants of varying ethnicities, making it one of the largest and most diverse Chicago suburbs.

Pregnant women did not enter the Evanston workforce until relatively recently. They still face discrimination, despite federal and state laws that prohibit this practice. When employers ignore laws and treat different people differently, the experienced Evanston pregnancy discrimination lawyers at the Law Office of Mitchell Kline spring into action. Because of this experience, we quickly develop a vision for your case. This vision includes building that claim as well as successfully resolving that claim. Then, we work closely with you to make that vision a reality.

Starting a Claim

Since they are in a protected class, pregnant people are entitled to special treatment during the entire employment relationship to level the playing field between them and non-pregnant people.

Our Chicago pregnancy discrimination lawyers often handle pre-employment discrimination cases. These cases often involve mistreatment or unfriendly policies.

During the interview process, employers cannot ask pregnancy-related questions. They must also accommodate these employees. Something as simple as putting an extra pillow on the back of an interview chair means a lot in terms of the law and in terms of how pregnant people feel about their potential employers.

These accommodations must continue after the employer hires the employee. This time, a pillow on a chair might not be enough. Usually, employers have a duty to enact policy accommodations, like a flexible schedule that works with women who have prenatal care appointments. They must also make other physical accommodations, such as a nursing room.

Additionally, employers must be fair in areas like absences and work evaluations. Becoming pregnant is usually a choice, but the side effects of pregnancy are not a matter of choice.

“Fairness” is the watchword in this area. Pregnant women do not want or expect special treatment. Our Chicago pregnancy discrimination lawyers help ensure that employers treat them like everyone else.

Resolving a Claim

Most civil claims, including most pregnancy discrimination claims, settle out of court. So, if your lawyer is not a good negotiator, you may end up settling for less.

Informal negotiations often begin almost immediately. Frequently companies are eager to settle these matters quickly and quietly. Therefore, these negotiations often bear fruit, and the defendant makes a victim-friendly settlement offer.

If that does not happen, most Cook County judges appoint professional mediators. These individuals know how to help parties find common ground. Additionally, during mediation, both sides have a duty to negotiate in good faith. “Low-ball” settlement offers are not allowed.

Because of these things, and also because the trial date is getting very close at this point, mediation is about 90% successful in civil cases.

Count on a Hard-Working Cook County Attorney

Job bias victims have legal options in Illinois. For a free consultation with an experienced Evanston pregnancy discrimination attorney, contact the Law Office of Mitchell A. Kline. We routinely handle matters throughout Chicagoland.