

Documenting Instances of Sexual Harassment In The Workplace

Documenting Instances of Sexual Harassment In The Workplace

When you are the victim of workplace sexual harassment, you have a responsibility to yourself and other workers to report it immediately. But when the sexual harassment happens to you, it might not be possible to immediately report it to a superior. Sexual harassment is prohibited by law and should not be tolerated. There are any number of reasons why you might delay in reporting an instance of workplace sexual harassment:

  • You might be afraid that you will be retaliated against.
  • You might be confused as to who you should report the sexual harassment to.
  • Your supervisor might be away from the office.
  • You might not be sure that the harassment was enough to be considered sexual harassment, and need to discuss the matter with someone.

When you are unable to report the workplace sexual harassment straight away, then it is a good idea to document the instance or instances of sexual harassment that you have experienced. By generating a record that identifies who, where, when and what happened, sexual harassment will be easier to prove once you do report it.  If possible, you should consult with an experienced sexual harassment about how to document instances of sexual harassment.

Preparing A Record

It is important to write down instances of workplace sexual harassment as soon after the incident as possible so that your memory of the incident is fresh. You will be able to remember more details and specifics if you write it down sooner rather than later. Try to write down exactly what was said to you, in the exact terms that were used by your harasser. If the sexual harassment was unwanted touching, clearly record where you were touched, how long it lasted, what you did, what your harasser did, etc. If the sexual harassment is a hostile work environment, document how the work environment has changed, and what is making the work environment hostile.

Details are important when creating a sexual harassment log. If other co-workers saw the sexual harassment, note their names. If there is other evidence of the sexual harassment, make a note of it in your log.

Other Important Information For Your Sexual Harassment Log

If the harassment is causing you to avoid doing your job, or avoid certain areas of your workplace, you should document what areas those are and why you are avoiding them. It is also a good idea to maintain a sexual harassment log after you reported the sexual harassment. The harassment might not immediately stop, or your employer might attempt to retaliate against you, in which case, a log of this information could be useful if you have to pursue legal action over your sexual harassment claim. Your employer should not ignore your allegations of sexual harassment, and if your employer does not do so, or does not act in a timely manner, you should record this information for later use.

Call Now For A Free Initial Consultation

The Law Office of Mitchell A. Kline is committed to helping victims of workplace sexual harassment get the justice they deserve. Contact our Chicago sexual harassment attorneys today for a free consultation regarding your situation. Call us at 312-558-1454 or click here.