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Suspicious Timing and Justification: Could your Firing have been a Wrongful Termination?

There are certain things your employer cannot fire you for. These include, but are certainly not limited to: Becoming pregnant; Filing a discrimination claim; Acting as a whistleblower; [...]

Should I File a Discrimination Claim Under Federal or Illinois Law?

Illinois and federal law protect employees against discrimination and harassment in the workplace, and the relevant statutes each create an administrative agency to address misconduct. You can either [...]

Two Types of Sexual Harassment Under Illinois Law

Some acts constituting sexual harassment in the workplace are obvious and offensive, while others are less overt. In either case, both the Illinois Human Rights Act and federal law prohibit such condu[...]

Common Questions on Reasonable Accommodation

Even if you are familiar with your rights under the Illinois Human Rights Act (IHRA) and federal Americans with Disability Act (ADA), you may not fully understand how these laws work regarding reasona[...]

Age Discrimination Fact Sheet for Illinois Employees

Very few Illinois employers will engage in systematic, obvious acts of age discrimination against employees. You will not likely hear “Sorry, you are too old to hire” in an interview. Do not expec[...]

Understanding Your Rights as a Worker in the Gig Economy

Even if you do not know it by the term “gig economy,” there is a good chance you are familiar with how it works. Commonly known as freelancing or temping, the gig economy is an environment where a[...]