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Five Things Employers Can Do to Improve Workplace Culture

While employment harassment and discrimination are against the law, it continues to be common in the workplace. Creating a positive workplace environment plays an important role in protecting business[...]

Can a Potential Employer Ask Me About Wage History in Illinois?

Looking for a job is nerve-wracking. You want to make the best possible impression, answering all questions honestly, but certain topics are illegal for employers to bring up under state workers’ ri[...]

How to Advocate for Diversity in Your Workplace

Diversity is more than just an idealistic notion. It is a practical solution for increasing productivity for businesses, building their bottom lines. How do you avoid discrimination and advocate for d[...]

Can My Employer Legally Fire Me Because of My Age?

Older adults represent a significant portion of the population. Many maintain active lifestyles, often working well past their retirement years. While employers benefit from their decades of experienc[...]

Can You be Fired for No Reason in Illinois?

Getting fired from your job is one of the worst things that can happen. Generally, employers in Illinois do not need to give you a reason. However, our Chicago wrongful termination attorneys explain s[...]

The Most Common Types of Workplace Harassment

Illinois workers have the right to a harassment-free workplace. Being able to recognize illegal harassment is an essential step toward protecting your rights in this area. Before you take legal action[...]