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What Are Employers Unable to Ask During an Interview? 

Navigating employment interviews can be daunting for interviewers and candidates alike. Finding the perfect job or candidate carries high stakes, but it's vital to understand the legal boundaries of t[...]

What Are 5 Ways to Overcome Fear of Retaliation in the Workplace?

Maintaining a workplace with a respectful culture is important to employee satisfaction, retention and productivity. Yet, many employees find themselves trapped in a cycle of silence, fearing retaliat[...]

Can I Request Reasonable Accommodations During the Hiring Process?

Navigating the job market can be a daunting task, especially for individuals living with disabilities. Many find themselves wondering whether they can receive accommodations during the hiring process.[...]

Afraid to File a Workers’ Comp Claim?

At the Law Office of Mitchell A. Kline, we understand the trepidation that comes with the decision to file a workers' compensation claim. The fear of repercussions, from job loss to future employment [...]

Why Should I Hire an Employment Lawyer?

When you’re facing a complicated situation at work, such as discrimination or retaliation, it’s important to recognize the need for legal counsel. This first step can be the turning point toward j[...]

What Is the Difference Between Race and Color Discrimination?

When it comes to navigating employees’ workplace rights, race and color discrimination remains a critical conversation. Employees are protected from mistreatment under workplace discrimination laws,[...]